Joined In Jul 2015
We were in Tortola for a few days and decided to dive.. Sail Caribbean took us out to a few different places on the first day. The water was rough but it was still very enjoyable. Our second day we went out to the Rhone. That was a very neat experience. I have been on a few wrecks before but this one was very interesting. I would recommend them to anyone who is wanting to experience diving in the BVI. - via
Advanced open water and enriched air diver certifications successfully passed. Huge thanks to U-bootmarine dive center for flexibility, perfect theoretical and practical lessons. The biggest values I got are real experience and advices were shared by Volodymyr But professional diver-instructor. - via
I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ATTORNEY GENERAL WILL GET A COMPLAINT FROM ME! YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - via
(Translated by Google) Wonderful dive center with a professional approach to teaching and organizing trips. Each student has a personal approach. Vladimir is an experienced specialist who loves his job, if you study with him, you will not regret it. Here in the dive center you can get training, buy equipment (you will be helped with the choice and select the best option for you), as well as go on an exciting dive safari. I am very glad that I studied here. Thanks to
Замечательный дайв центр с профессиональным подходом к обучению и организации поездок. К каждому ученику персональный подход. Владимир специалист со стажем который любит свое дело, если будете учиться у него - не пожалеете. Тут в дайв центре можно пройти обучение, прикупить оборудование (Вам помогут с выбором и подберут лучший для Вас вариант), а также отправиться в увлекательное дайв сафари. Очень рад тому что обучался здесь. Благодарю - via
Замечательный дайв центр с профессиональным подходом к обучению и организации поездок. К каждому ученику персональный подход. Владимир специалист со стажем который любит свое дело, если будете учиться у него - не пожалеете. Тут в дайв центре можно пройти обучение, прикупить оборудование (Вам помогут с выбором и подберут лучший для Вас вариант), а также отправиться в увлекательное дайв сафари. Очень рад тому что обучался здесь. Благодарю
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Wonderful dive center with a professional approach to teaching and organizing trips. Each student has a personal approach. Vladimir is an experienced specialist who loves his job, if you study with him, you will not regret it. Here in the dive center you can get training, buy equipment (you will be helped with the choice and select the best option for you), as well as go on an exciting dive safari. I am very glad that I studied here. Thanks to - via
Ребята занимаются своим делом и знают его досконально! Всегда консультации на уровне!
Спасибо большое!
Продукция прошла тестирование на отлично!
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The guys are doing their job and know it thoroughly! Always top notch advice!
Thanks a lot!
The product has been tested perfectly! - via
They are Awesome !! That would sum up my entire experience with them. From me going from being a person who was afraid of the deep end of the swimming pool to being able to complete 2 Scuba Diving certification of Open Water & Advanced Open Water is nothing short of miraculous and it was only possible because of Aquanaut and its Amazing, Dedicated & Hard working team.
Abhishek of Aquanaut thank you for this lifetime experience & helping me strike Scuba Diving of my Bucket list.
A special shout out to my Diving Instructor, Mentor & Guardian Angel, Neha of Aquanaut who took the time, effort & patience to give me the confidence & support to complete the two courses, it was your sheer will and confidence in me that helped me finish those courses.
One cannot go wrong with this team. I could not ask for a better beginning to my Scuba Diving journey than with Aquanaut.
Thank you all from the Bottom of my heart.
Dive More & Dive Well..... - via
Очень достойный дайв центр, есть абсолютно всё, что надо начинающим, любителям, и даже профессиональным дайверам, инструктора очень наблюдательны, професииональны и отзывчивы. Особая благодарность инструкторам Данилу и Алексею, смогли сделать некое чудо. Спасибо вам ребята.))
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A very worthy dive center, there is absolutely everything that beginners, amateurs, and even professional divers need, the instructors are very observant, professional and responsive. Special thanks to the instructors Danil and Aleksey, they were able to do some kind of miracle. Thank you guys.)) - via
Это место, где Вас не только научат идеально владеть навыками, но ещё Вы обретёте интересных, надёжных друзей, с которыми можно посетить самые отдаленные уголочки нашей Земли
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This is a place where you will not only be taught perfect skills, but also you will find interesting, reliable friends with whom you can visit the most remote corners of our Earth - via
Прекрасный клуб для погружения под воду. Очень душевная атмосфера. Милые, доброжелательные люди. Профессиональные инструкторы. Прекрасная помощь в подготовке, подбору оборудования, а также в обслуживании всего, что связано с дайвингом.
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A great club for diving. Very emotional atmosphere. Lovely, friendly people. Professional instructors. Great help in the preparation, selection of equipment, as well as in the maintenance of everything related to diving. - via
Had an amazing time, I highly recommend them for water sports in Bali. I tried water sports in Bali previously with another company where they try to extract as much money from you as possible. But Bali Jetpacks' prices are fixed, fair and durations are also as mentioned.
You will find many other water sports providers in Bali but I doubt if any of them are as professional as Gelgel and his team. These guys makes sure your experience is worth the price you pay. Besides the activities you get free transport for spending more than $100 and unlimited photos for $20-25. - via
Проходила обучение в дайв центре с апреля по август 2020 года, учебный процесс затянулся из-за пандемии COVID-19. Брала 2 курса, начальный открытая вода(OWD) и сухой костюм. Стоимость 30650,00 руб. Теорию изучала самостоятельно, в бассейн мы не попали т.к. всё было закрыто, отрабатывали навыки сразу в море. Для продуктивного обучения в дайв центре созданы все условия, учебный инвентарь конечно потрёпанный, но в этом нет ничего удивительного ведь отработка навыков это достаточно тяжелый физический и психологический процесс. Не верьте тем кто говорит что это огромное удовольствие, это прежде всего преодоление себя, своих ограниченных физических и умственных способностей. С преподавателями мне очень повезло, я занималась у самых опытных инструкторов это семейная пара широко известных в узких владивостокских кругах видеоблогеров моноколесников с ютуб канала ELECTRIC-SPORTS . Ирина и Владимир Глотовы, они буквально нянчились со мной. Каждое тренировочное погружение мы совершали в группе все ребята нацелены на результат и готовы в любой момент прийти на помощь. Несмотря на трудности, теорию и практику я сдала, дайверские сертификаты успешно получила, они сейчас в электронном виде на руки ничего не выдаётся. После обучения погружалась почти во всех близлежащих к Владивостоку бухтах и на островах. Для меня дайвинг стал настоящим ключом в другой мир и помог преодолеть ограничения и страхи, заставил взбодриться, получить новые эмоции и пообщаться с интересными людьми.
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She studied at a dive center from April to August 2020, the educational process was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Took 2 courses, initial open water (OWD) and dry suit. Price RUB 30,650.00 I studied the theory on my own, we did not get into the pool because everything was closed, they were practicing their skills right at sea. All conditions have been created for productive training in the dive center, the training equipment is of course shabby, but this is not surprising, because the development of skills is a rather difficult physical and psychological process. Do not believe those who say that this is a great pleasure, first of all it is overcoming yourself, your limited physical and mental abilities. I was very lucky with the teachers, I studied with the most experienced instructors, this is a married couple of video bloggers of mono-wheelers from the ELECTRIC-SPORTS YouTube channel, widely known in narrow Vladivostok circles. Irina and Vladimir Glotov, they literally nursed me. We did each training dive in a group, all the guys are focused on the result and are ready to help at any time. Despite the difficulties, I passed the theory and practice, I successfully received diving certificates, they are now being handed out in electronic form. After training, she dived in almost all bays and islands adjacent to Vladivostok. For me, diving has become a real key to another world and helped to overcome limitations and fears, made me cheer up, get new emotions and communicate with interesting people. - via
Небольшой уютный причал. Этим и прекрасен, что здесь спокойно и тихо. По берегу ходят куры ) Можно взять лодку на небольшую группу и переплыть на остров, где старая крепость, много древних построек и несколько небольших пансионатов. Отличная идея как интересно провести несколько выходных дней.
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Small cozy pier. This is what makes it so beautiful and peaceful here. Chickens walk along the shore) You can take a boat for a small group and swim to the island, where there is an old fortress, many ancient buildings and several small boarding houses. Great idea for a fun weekend getaway. - via
I am very emotional right now while I write this because I miss this team with whom I have been diving for years. Genuinely one of the best decisions I have made in my life was to continue in this club after my very first meeting with underwater with a discovery diving (Thanks to Korhan Güler)
I then got my Open Water Diver course, Advanced Open Water Diver course, Rescue Diver course and finally, I became a Divemaster (Thanks to the worlds best instructors Levent Cacekli and Çetin Hepbir).
I met many new amazing people and had wonderful adventures in each dive. One of my best holidays with Deepist was in Zanzibar. Professionalism and risk management in scuba diving is very important for me, besides entertainment, this club has all of them. It is also very nice to have the opportunity of taking the courses both in English and Turkish. Thanks to underwater shootings specially made for you, they immortalize your wonderful memories underwater. Their brand new, super clean scuba gear is one of the most important aspects that differs them from the other clubs. From the first dive, deepist have become a part of my family and I would highly recommend this experience to everyone. Take a deep breath and join them. You will understand what I mean :)
Also thanks to these amazing instructors of the Deepist family; Selim Cacekli, Sena Cacekli, Mete Tosun, Deniz Akçal? and Volkan Demir. - via
Отличный магазин. Очень хорошая консультация специалиста. Приемлемые цены. Расположение к сожалению для меня не удобное, но если вы на машине это не проблема.
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Excellent shop. Very good expert advice. Acceptable prices. The location is unfortunately not convenient for me, but if you have a car it's not a problem. - via
(Translated by Google) Yesterday was the first lesson of the course. I'm just delighted I liked everything from communication with the instructor to the end of the lesson. Our instructor Denis helped everyone individually, if something didn’t work out for someone, he immediately came to the rescue. Even for 1 lesson, Denis tried to tell us everything to the maximum. Very satisfied ☺️ I advise everyone
Вчера было первое занятие из курса. Я просто в восторге Понравилось все, начиная от общения с инструктором, до конца занятия. Наш инструктор Денис помогал всем индивидуально, если у кого-то что-то не получалось он сразу приходил на помощь. Даже за 1 урок Денис пытался нам рассказать все по максимуму. Очень довольна ☺️ Всем советую - via
Экстрим-парк "X-Park" молодцы. Инструктор опоздал на 10 минут и вместо заказанных 30, покатал 20 минут и просто сказал выходить, когда пришли следующие люди. На кассе вместо извинений и вариантов, администратор просто выяснил отношения с инструктором, а мне с безразличным лицом положил сотку на стол, чтобы я отвалил. Это даже не компенсация 10 минут катания. Пожалуйста, научитесь работать с проблемами, они у всех случается.
Но если клиент после услуги не благодарит и не советует вас друзьям, то вам надо менять персонал.
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Extreme Park "X-Park" well done. The instructor was 10 minutes late and instead of the ordered 30, he rode for 20 minutes and just told me to get out when the next people came. At the checkout, instead of an apology and options, the administrator just found out the relationship with the instructor, and with an indifferent face put a hundred on the table for me to fuck off. This is not even compensation for 10 minutes of skiing. Please learn to deal with problems, they happen to everyone.
But if the client does not thank you after the service and does not recommend you to friends, then you need to change the staff. - via
Вейкборд-інструктор Марина – сходу запізнилась на 15 хвилин, коли прийшла то вирішила не напрягатись вибаченнями і просто почала стартувати "Кататись будемо?".
Адміністрації взагалі пофіг, прийшов до них – просто повернули гроші без вибачень і запитань, в чому ж справа?
Додатково, додзвонитись майже нереально – більшість вказаних телефонів не працює.
Вейк ми таки спробуємо, але точно не тут.
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Wakeboard instructor Marina - east was 15 minutes late, when she came she decided not to strain to apologize and just started to start "Shall we ride?".
The administration didn't care at all, I came to them - they just returned the money without apologies and questions, what's the matter?
Additionally, it is almost impossible to call - most of these phones do not work.
We will try Wake, but definitely not here. - via
Я видаляла карієс і робила чистку в цій клініці. Діма гарно почистив зуби, надав рекомендації коли і що їсти після процедури. Головне зуби здорові і гарні. Результатом задоволена. Дізналася по рекомендації знайомих.
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I removed caries and cleaned in this clinic. Dima cleaned his teeth well, gave recommendations on when and what to eat after the procedure. The main thing is healthy and beautiful teeth. I am satisfied with the result. I found out on the recommendation of friends. - via
What a wonderful intoduction to scuba diving for my two children 21 and 16. Paul is lovely and very welcoming. Communication throughout the booking process was great. I would highly recommend Paul and his team. We might even give it a go ourselves it looked like great fun! Both my children enjoyed their experience and we hope to be back again soon. Thank you Paul and co. - via
This tour was amazing !! We had Jonhathan as our tour guide ! He did great !! We had a blast !!This was amazing !!! Worth every penny!! Super informative!! Made us feel so safe !!! Knew the area so well. Speaks great English!!! Took great photos !! Had everything we needed !! Great energy! Can’t wait to come back and do another tour!! If your thinking about doing it !! This is your sign !! - via
(Translated by Google) We recently went to a race on this track, participated for the first time and had a lot of fun. The track is interesting, especially the ground for motocross is perfect!
Недавно были на гонке на данном треке, участвовали впервые и получили массу удовольствия. Трасса интересная, особенно грунт для мотокросса идеальный! - via
Большой аквапарк, в который точно стоить съездить. Мы покупали экскурсию. Нас привезли, определили конкретное время и затем отвезли обратно. Мы посетили все горки, даже самые страшные. На входе в аквапарк огромнейший аквариум, помимо прочих рыб в котором плавают акулы, с которыми можете поплавать и вы
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Great water park, definitely worth a visit. We bought a tour. We were brought, determined a specific time and then taken back. We visited all the slides, even the scariest ones. At the entrance to the water park there is a huge aquarium, in which, among other fish, sharks swim, with which you can swim - via
Старые советские атракционы, к сожалению не все работают. Но для самых маленьких детей в самый раз, тем более по относительно низкой цене. Рекомендую колесо обозрения, открываются новые виды и можно оценить красоту парка!
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Old Soviet attractions, unfortunately, not all work. But for the smallest children just right, especially at a relatively low price. I recommend the Ferris wheel, new views open up and you can appreciate the beauty of the park! - via
Після стрибка з парашутом залишилися неймовірні враження. Вдячна команді професіоналів за організацію, доступний інструктаж та, власне, за сам стрибок. Хочу повернутися ще(
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After jumping with a parachute, incredible impressions remained. I am grateful to the team of professionals for the organization, accessible instruction and, in fact, for the jump itself. I want to come back again ( - via
Первый прыжок для меня! Очень долго решалась! Хочу сказать спасибо и администрации и инструкторам! Очень понравилось все! Благодаря инструктору Максиму и оператору Ростиславу полностью не было волнения! Они выступили хорошими психологами и успокоителями! Прыгать в белую пену одно удовольствие! Первый шаг, ветер бьёт в уши, и шикарный вид снизу! Свободное падение показалось очень быстрым, главное расслабиться и смотреть по сторонам! Когда прошли через белые горы облаков открылся потрясающий вид на город!!! В общем спасибо за исполнение мечты и целые ноги;)
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First jump for me! It took a very long time to decide! I want to say thank you to the administration and instructors! I liked everything very much! Thanks to the instructor Maxim and the operator Rostislav, there was absolutely no excitement! They acted as good psychologists and sedatives! Jumping into the white foam is a pleasure! The first step, the wind beats in the ears, and a gorgeous view from below! Free fall seemed very fast, the main thing is to relax and look around! When we passed through the white mountains of clouds, a stunning view of the city opened up!!! In general, thank you for the fulfillment of a dream and whole legs;) - via
I had already heard positive reviews about Sky Service and therefore I decided to try out a rush of adrenaline. It was a great value for money- starting from the service on ground to my amazing instructor and cameramen, who took care of a memorable experience for me. I can't express my gratitude towards the whole crew for the awesome moments! Looking forward to visiting you again! - via
I had already heard positive reviews about Sky Service and therefore I decided to try out a rush of adrenaline. It was a great value for money- starting from the service on ground to my amazing instructor and cameramen, who took care of a memorable experience for me. I can't express my gratitude towards the whole crew for the awesome moments! Looking forward to visiting you again! - via
Я думала, что прыжок с парашютом-это круто, но чтоб на столько
Это нереальные ощущения, впечатления, и самые яркие эмоции, которые только можно испытать в жизни!
Спасибо самому крутому инструктору Максиму, за поддержку, за настроение и за то, что осталась жива
Ребята, Вы очень крутые! Уверенна,что это не последний прыжок
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I thought skydiving was cool, but so much
These are unreal sensations, impressions, and the most vivid emotions that you can experience in life!
Thanks to the coolest instructor Maxim, for support, for mood and for staying alive
Guys, you are very cool! I'm sure this is not the last jump - via
Ben bir izmit li olarak 20 senedir ayr? kald???m memleketime döndüm senede 1 2 geldi?im için tan??ma f?rsat?m?z olmam??t?
Murat hocam yoktu o?lu bahad?r bey vard?
Biraz sohbet ettik ve dertle?tik
Marmara da dalis yapmak e?lencesi az olan bir aktivite olsa da e?itim amaçl? ?iddetle tavsiye ederim murat hocam?z?n metnini çok duydum in?allah ekincikte görü?ece?iz
Bence buraya yak?n olanlar?n tercih etmesi do?ru secimdir - via
Отдыхали группой, всё для нас, обслуживание, забота и внимание. Остров небольшой. Туристов мало. Качели, гамаки, фотозоны - свободны). Понравился дайвинг, живой риф. Квалифицированные инструкторы, надёжные, отличная морская прогулка получилась! Сделала много прикольных фото и видео под водой. Только самые приятные впечатления!
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We rested in a group, everything for us, service, care and attention. The island is small. There are few tourists. Swings, hammocks, photo zones are free). Liked diving, live reef. Qualified instructors, reliable, excellent boat trip turned out! I took a lot of cool photos and videos underwater. Only the most pleasant impressions! - via
(Translated by Google) Walked with the child at the Seiklar playground for toddlers. Everything is fine except for dirt underfoot in the form of black dust and sand. I don't understand why the free playground has a floor covering, but the paid one in Seiklar doesn't.
The toilet was also confusing. On the children's playground, this is a blue plastic booth. I was afraid that I would drop my tiny daughter. A small child can easily drown there. Although there are no aromas, probably chemicals are carefully added.
It is the playground for children that needs to be changed. Seiklar Park itself is normal.
Recently, a new swing with a slide for the smallest was added to the children's playground.
Гуляли з дитиною на майданчику для малюків Seiklar. Все добре крім бруду під ногами у вигляді чорного пилу і піску. Не розумію, чому на безкоштовному дитячому майданчику є покриття підлоги, а на платному в Seiklar ні.
Також збентежив туалет. На майданчику малюків це оця синя пластикова будка. Мені було страшно, що впущу крихітну донечку. Маленька дитина запросто може там потонути. Хоч ароматів нема, мабуть хімію додають старанно.
Саме майданчик для малюків треба змінювати. Сам парк Seiklar нормальний.
На днях на майданчик для малюків додали нову гойдалку з гіркою для найменших. - via
Вирішила ризикнути і замовити роли в новому місці. І хочу сказати, що ДУЖЕ задоволена! Роли смачні, свіжесенькі, працівники дуже привітні. Доставка вчасно.
Однозначно strongly recommended!!)))
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I decided to take a risk and order rolls in a new place. And I want to say that I am VERY satisfied! The rolls are tasty, fresh, and the employees are very friendly. Delivery on time.
Definitely strongly recommended!!))) - via
Была в океанариуме
Вспомнила детство, посмотрела на красивых рыбок и морских животных. Провела прекрасно время. Народу не много было, хотя ходила в воскресенье.
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Been to the aquarium
I remembered my childhood, looked at the beautiful fish and marine animals. Had a great time. There were not many people, although I went on Sunday. - via
(Translated by Google) We often take photos here. A large and beautiful photo studio There are a lot of popular locations for every taste Rental prices are very reasonable⭐️ It's nice that the owner of the studio is responsible for the quality of service! My issues were resolved very quickly! A real professional approach, I recommend
Часто проводим здесь фотосессии. Большая и красивая фотостудия Очень много популярных локаций на любой вкус Цены на аренду очень даже адекватные⭐️ Приятно, что владелец студии ответственно подходит к качеству сервиса! Волнующие меня вопросы решили очень быстро! Настоящий профессиональный подход, рекомендую - via
(Translated by Google) Was not in the establishment. I know that the first impression of the dilphinarium causes a lot of positive emotions. Especially for children. The beach is good because there are steps, convenient for walruses. Great views. There are places for a simple tea party overlooking the sea. Plus a health track for jogging, cycling and other walks. Sports grounds for residents. Rugged terrain for extreme sports with bulk slides. Picnic spots and good kind people! Places for walking animals. Everything is super .. there would be more such places in Ukraine. I advise everyone.
В заведении не был. Знаю, что первое впечатление от дильфинария вызывает массу позитивных эмоций. Особенно детям. Пляж хорош тем что есть ступени, удобно для моржей. Прекрасные виды. Есть места для простого чаепития с видом на море. Плюс трасса здоровья для пробежек, вело и прочих прогулок. Спорт площадки для жилающих. Пересеченная местность для экстрималов с насыпными горками. Места для пикников и хорошие добрые люди! Места для выгула животных. Всё супер.. побольше бы таких мест в Украине. Советую всем. - via
(Translated by Google) Very nice track with a smaller one also homologated inside. Good infrastructure and equipment for top preparations. Thanks to the volunteers for the welcome. Photos Clement Lazzaro
Très belle piste avec une plus petite à l'intérieur homologuée également. Bonnes infrastructure et matériel pour des préparations au top. Merci aux bénévoles pour l'accueil. Photos Clément Lazzaro - via
Together with my wife, we spent unforgettable time with Nico, Joey and Luis. We enjoyed surfing lessons and two adventures: bio-luminescence bay tour and waterfalls tour.
Joey was our surf instructor for a whole week (we took in total seven two hours lessons). We started knowing nothing about surfing and we ended up catching waves on our own and surfing all the way to the shore. He took in total to 4 different beaches where we could enjoy different types of waves and also different locations each with its own beauty. It was an outstanding pleasure to spend time with him.
Nico took us for bio-bay tour which I cannot recommend enough. It is truly magical out of this world experience that you will not forget, never, ever!!!
We also enjoyed the true paradise when we visited the waterfalls reserve with Nico and Luis. Swimming in a crystal clear natural swimming pool, exploring a water cave and breathing jungle air - that is how you spend the day.
The whole team was enormously helpful and welcoming. If needed, they gave us a ride. They showed us fabulous local places with local fruits, juices, ice-cream and coconut water. If you never ate an avocado twice the size of an orange or saw how one can open a coconut with machete, then you must definitely try it. They also shared amazing stories about Puerto Rico with which we fell in love.
Nico gave us a special couples offer for such a paradise adventures retreat. - via
Любимо відпочинок в Буковелі у любу пору року. Природа неймовірна і влітку, і взимку. Досить добре розвинута інфраструктура курорту. Буковель для тих, хто любить активний відпочинок, адже тут є різноманітні розваги і для дітей, і для дорослих.
Все лижне спорядження можна взяти напрокат без проблем. Готелі на різний смак та гаманець. Можна знайти хороший готельчик за добру ціну зі сніданками, СПА ( ми користуємося додатком ).
З недоліків : дуже завищені ціни !!! особливо на харчування
Вузька дорога і відсутність тротуарів у Поляниці і Буковелі, що створює певні незручності для туристів !!!
Але природа , краєвиди , позитивні емоції , незабутні враження від відпочинку перекреслюють усі недоліки Повернемося сюди ще не раз за новими емоціями !!!
(Translated by Google)
We like to rest in Bukovel at any time of the year. Nature is incredible both in summer and in winter. The infrastructure of the resort is quite well developed. Bukovel is for those who like active recreation, because there are various entertainments for both children and adults.
All ski equipment can be rented without any problems. Hotels for different tastes and wallets. You can find a good hotel for a good price with breakfast, spa (we use the application).
Disadvantages: very high prices!!! especially for food
The narrow road and lack of sidewalks in Polyanytsia and Bukovel creates certain inconveniences for tourists!!!
But nature, landscapes, positive emotions, unforgettable impressions from rest cancel out all the shortcomings We will come back here again and again for new emotions!!! - via
(Translated by Google) We like to rest in Bukovel at any time of the year. Nature is incredible both in summer and in winter. The infrastructure of the resort is quite well developed. Bukovel is for those who like active recreation, because there are various entertainments for both children and adults.
All ski equipment can be rented without any problems. Hotels for different tastes and wallets. You can find a good hotel for a good price with breakfast, spa (we use the application).
Disadvantages: very high prices!!! especially for food
The narrow road and lack of sidewalks in Polyanytsia and Bukovel creates certain inconveniences for tourists!!!
But nature, landscapes, positive emotions, unforgettable impressions from rest cancel out all the shortcomings We will come back here again and again for new emotions!!!
Любимо відпочинок в Буковелі у любу пору року. Природа неймовірна і влітку, і взимку. Досить добре розвинута інфраструктура курорту. Буковель для тих, хто любить активний відпочинок, адже тут є різноманітні розваги і для дітей, і для дорослих.
Все лижне спорядження можна взяти напрокат без проблем. Готелі на різний смак та гаманець. Можна знайти хороший готельчик за добру ціну зі сніданками, СПА ( ми користуємося додатком ).
З недоліків : дуже завищені ціни !!! особливо на харчування
Вузька дорога і відсутність тротуарів у Поляниці і Буковелі, що створює певні незручності для туристів !!!
Але природа , краєвиди , позитивні емоції , незабутні враження від відпочинку перекреслюють усі недоліки Повернемося сюди ще не раз за новими емоціями !!! - via
(Translated by Google) We rested from May 15 to May 19, 2022, i.e. I am writing now and packing my bags) in the morning on the way back!!!
Of the 4 days of stay, we were very pleased with both the place and the friendly and helpful staff, especially the skill of the Chef!!!
I rested in four with my wife and sons 7 years old and 1.8 years old, they liked it, the reef is cool.
Come, you won't regret it!!!
All the best and have a nice holiday :-)
Отдыхали с 15 по 19 мая 2022 года, т.е. пишу сейчас и собираю чемоданы) утром в обратную дорогу!!!
Из 4 дней пребывания остались очень довольны и местом, и приветливым и дружелюбным персоналом, особенно приятно мастерство Шеф-повара!!!
Отдыхали в четвером я с женой и сыновьями 7 лет и 1.8 годика, им понравилось, риф классный.
Приезжайте не пожалеете!!!
Всем добра и приятного отдыха:-) - via
Уже не актуально Открыт новый автовокзал. На месте старого центр для беженцев.
Мне нравится. Все продуманно. Автобусы, которые приезжают, останавливаются в одном понятном месте, сразу напротив здания станции, очень удобно. Информация про отъезжающий транспорт на каждом столбе, со всеми промежуточными остановками, это очень важно. Бесплатный туалет, бесплатный Wi-Fi, опять же бесплатные ячейки для хранения. Кафешки, магазинчики. Чисто.
Есть минус: ночью с 12.00-4.00 все это, к сожалению, закрыто.
(Translated by Google)
No longer relevant A new bus station has been opened. On the site of the old refugee center.
I like. Everything is thought out. The buses that arrive stop in one clear place, right in front of the station building, very convenient. Information about departing vehicles at each pole, with all intermediate stops, is very important. Free toilet, free Wi-Fi, again free storage boxes. Cafes, shops. Purely.
There is a minus: at night from 12.00-4.00 all this, unfortunately, is closed. - via
I got my SDI Open Water certificate at the AC Divers. My instuctor was Carolyn Ross. The process of getting was max professional, amazingly client-oriented, fully personalized, in short time period, despite imperfect weather conditions. Thanks to the professionalism of the team I got not only certificate, but amazing support on the learning process and, then during my first dives, answers for all my questions and opportunity to make two extra dives which were amazing.
I can highly recommend this team to anyone who is looking for an entrance to the world of diving.
Carolyn & Aaron - big thanks and all the best :) - via
Невероятные впечатления как у мужа, так и у 7 летнего ребенка. Парни, работающие на Zip Line настоящие профессионалы. Все подробно объяснили.
(Translated by Google)
Incredible experience for both my husband and 7 year old child. The guys working at Zip Line are true professionals. Everything was explained in detail. - via
Отличные инструктора, с юмором. Приятные цены и незабываемые ощущения. не смотря на то что мне туда добираться 3 часа, буду выбираться при любой возможности, всем категорически советую
(Translated by Google)
Great instructors with a sense of humour. Good prices and unforgettable experience. despite the fact that it takes me 3 hours to get there, I will get out at any opportunity, I strongly advise everyone - via
This place is excellent. They answered the phone straightaway and told me that crazy UFO ride was running (even though we wanted parasailing). We arrived 50 mins later and did it - all 4 of us.
Fantastic time! Free parking too.
Whole family enjoyed it! Gorgeous beach too, just locals there. Nice snacks too. - via
First of all I for like to give very best to thanks mr/ Sayed. he's a real gentleman, he help us a lot.
My first ever jetski experience and it was extremely enjoyable!! The prices are well and affordable With the highest quality of jetski i’ve ever seen, they even had a very cool design! I would definitely recommend and will 100% visit again soon! - via
This was my first cable park experience, and my husband and I had a BLAST! The board instructor, Emo, is the best. He was patient, encouraging, and made things easy to understand. The owners were very friendly and welcoming. The food was amazing. The whole vibe is so chill. Also, you won't feel intimidated as there were people with all types of riding ability that showed up. Thank you Park X for this amazing day. We will be coming back soon with friends - via
(Translated by Google) We have been going for the last 3 years to teach children water sports and of course have fun. We are completely satisfied. Vassilis and Anastasia are amazing. The kids look forward to it every year.
Πηγαίνουμε τα τελευταία 3 χρόνια για εκμάθηση water sports στα παιδιά και βέβαια διασκέδαση. Είμαστε απόλυτα ικανοποιημένοι. Ο Βασίλης και η Αναστασία είναι καταπληκτικοί. Τα παιδιά το περιμένουν κάθε χρόνο με ανυπομονησία. - via
Visited this place in 2018 (or thereabouts). If you want to experience South Africa, this is exactly the place to be. Absolutely unbelievable, your friends will never accept what you say. You have to cross an estuary to get to your room, you'll find massive tarantulas on your shirt when you wake up on the morning, but the atmosphere, the people, the vibe, the dancing, the wonky af pool table and cheap bar will make you wish you never left. I miss this place so much. - via
Had to cancel my reservation (for the next day) mid through it and they didn't refund me. That was totally unfair as I told them one day earlier from the previous reservation. Got there, nobody answered me for 30 minutes than moved to another place. Don't recommend, would choose a different place if possible. Okay if you can't cancel the same day, but you not supposed to pay for the next day if you not staying. Don't do business with those guys, I stayed in a way better place for the same place (private room) that I found on booking. They don't care about you , they only care about your money as you can see on the reply below. - via
Great experience from booking to the dive itself! I got certified just this summer so l wanted to have a private dive until getting comfortable in a group setting. My instructor, Bobby, was amazing. I panicked initially because the water was choppy and visibility was low. I was leaning towards heading back before even starting the dive! He calmed me down and literally held my hand through the first 15 minutes of the dive. Thanks to this, l was able to experience the amazing kelp forests of Monterey and swim with sea lions.
On the shop side, they had all my gear ready and waiting for me when l arrived based on the information l provided. Every employee is incredibly nice and friendly as well as knowledgeable. Highly recommended! - via
Отличный отель. Большая территория. 3 бассейна. Номера большие и Чистые. Всё работает. Убирают и меняют постель каждый день. Приветливый персонал. Вкусный завтрак. В номере чайник. Ванна. Рекомендую.
(Translated by Google)
Excellent hotel. Large territory. 3 pools. Rooms are large and Clean. Everything is working. They clean and change the bed every day. Friendly staff. Tasty breakfast. There is a kettle in the room. Bath. I recommend. - via
(Translated by Google) Wonderful hospitality, well done to everything. Spotlessly clean rooms, wonderful view, they gave us a room with windows facing the sea, one on the headboard of the bed, the location is fantastic. For sure when we find ourselves in Kardamili we will rent there. Sofia gave us information about everything, Well done and well done again. You are wonderful.
Υπέροχη φιλοξενία,μπράβο σε όλα.Πεντακαθαρα δωματια,υπέροχη θέα,μας έδωσαν δωμάτιο με τα παράθυρα να βλέπουν θάλασσα,το ένα στο προσκέφαλο του κρεβατιού,η τοποθεσία φανταστική.Σιγουρα όταν βρεθούμε Καρδαμύλη θα νοικιάσουμε εκεί.Η Σοφία μας έδωσε πληροφορίες για όλα,μπράβο και πάλι μπράβο.Ειστε υπέροχοι. - via
(Translated by Google) We got a lot of positive impressions and an adrenaline rush. The view from the descent is simply incredible. Definitely the best adventure experience ever.
Получили море позитивных впечатлений и заряд адреналина. Вид при спуске просто невероятный. Однозначно лучшие впечатления от экстремального отдыха. - via
My experience with Amorgos Diving Center was fantastic! When I called to make my appointment, the girl on the phone was very helpful and explained me the diving sites in incredible details! We dived into "Grambonissi" and "Nikouria’s Cavern" and it was really beautiful with lots of underwater life! The instructors are very kind, friendly and always willing to help with a smile!
Highly recommend!!!
Thank you so much :) - via
There are not enough stars to describe how awesome my experience was getting certified by Below H2O.
To start, Dave is awesome! Not only is he incredibly knowledgeable and patient, he was a great teacher for the pool dives. He made sure to do everything possible to accommodate my last minute scheduling difficulties (especially being close to the close of the quarry where the open water portion is) and also came in early on a Saturday to make sure I got my other pool dive complete even though it wasn't a scheduled class.
His instructors for the open water portion were incredible! Julia was amazing and so patient with us when we did the open water dive. She made sure we were well trained and made it so much fun. She loves to get us involved in the fun aspects once comfortable underwater (spinning headstands were so much fun). Ed was hilarious and extremely informative about details about different diving and techniques. Doug was also incredible during our last day of diving and was so helpful when most of us were doing the tour of the quarry. He also shared information on different equipment and styles of advanced diving.
Julia was quick to help us log our dives and get our qualifications to PADI. I'm proud to say I'm officially a certified diver and I am so blessed to have learned under such an amazing group of professionals. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me get certified. If anyone is looking to become certified, don't hesitate, Dave and the crew will make it worth the investment and get you sweet deals on equipment as well. - via
I want to shear my experience with Vladimir, we rode in October, there wasn’t any wind in Nha Trang and Vladimir suggested to go to Phan Rang Vietnam Surf camping station, very nice spot to ride especially for beginners because water is not so deep. Vladimir cool guy with good vibes. He organized all trip, gave useful advices and support all the time what helped me did good progress! - via